Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Day I Became a Museum Curator!

Today I had one of my favorite experiences while on this study abroad. I got to be a museum curator for the afternoon! Since we were in the Lake District, we were able to talk our way into seeing and handling Wordsworth’s journals, letters, and pieces. You usually have to be a professor, with an extremely good reason to see his original documents! And I was lucky enough to see them! Not only that, but they filmed our group because they are redoing their museum and wanted ideas from the public. So basically we got to come up with an exhibit that they are considering using! I loved every minute of it! It was such a great way to apply our readings from class, and experience what we had only read copies of.

Actual manuscript!!!

We then went on a hike through the countryside of the Lake District (Ambleside to Skelwith Bridge and Loughrigg Tarn)! We explored caves…. reenacted scenes from HP with Dumbledore and Harry and the Horcrux (don’t judge me), and just had a grand old time! We hung around the lake and sat on the beach, skipping rocks, playing in the water, etc. Of course, this is England and we eventually got rained out and headed home to the hostel.

The Lake District!

Wouldn't that be a great place to live??

I think I saw Gollum from Lord of the Rings in there, and Dumbledore with the Horcrux, and Peeta waiting for Katniss to come back from the cornucopia. Yeah, I'm a nerd! Whatcha gonna do about it?!?


1 comment:

  1. I need a map to learn where the Lake District is - how pastoral and lovely . . .
