Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oxford and the Evil Tour Guide named LIZ

Today was extremely fun, I had some really neat experiences. Definitely one of my "favorite days". I say that a lot, but I mean it!!!

We woke up bright and early and thought we'd pop on over to Oxford and tour around there for awhile. Did you know that Oxford isn't a college campus like the ones we have back home? It's spread out throughout the entire town! There are shops and homes with the different "colleges" throughout. It's a city. Not JUST a campus. I didn't realize that so it was really neat to see part of the town along with the campus.We went to Ashmolean museum and then looked around the town and shopped.
Abbie, Sarah, Me, Jordan, and Kaitlyn just hanging out pretending to be Oxford students.

You had to pay to get into most of the colleges if you were a tourist, but that didn't sound like fun to me. So I decided to sneak into the athletics department/college and take a look around! :) It was a beautiful building with a little square in the middle. Lucky for me I got away with it. Obviously I didn't look like a rugby player...but hey! What's done is done! And I got to save money! Yay for breaking the rules and getting away with it!!! (Only kidding, I never break the rules... minus this one time. Don't worry Mom and Dad.)

Beautiful entrance to one of the colleges!

The grounds of the college that I broke into for rugby players.

Afterwards we stopped by Blenheim Palace. Which. Is. My. Favorite. Palace. It doesn't get better than this palace. I won't budge on this. I'm not kidding. I say "this place was my favorite" or "this is my new favorite place" in about every blog post. But THIS is by far my favorite PALACE. See how I emphasized palace? So now I can say I like other places as long as they aren't palaces! Boom. Loop hole.

My new home??? I wish.

Anyways... Blenheim (pronounced Blen-im) was built in 1705 for the Dukes of Marlborough. They have lived there ever since (and still do!) It was absolutely stunning. At this location is where the Evil Tour Guide named Liz comes in.

So... I'm a fairly likeable person... for the most part. At least I'd like to think that I am... I can usually trick people into liking me even if I make a terrible first impression (sneaky right?) But alas... our tour guide Liz saw right through my sneaky ways and decided to hate me right off the bat. For you see, Liz was a grouchy old woman that didn't want anyone talking or asking questions the entire time! I can understand the talking thing, it's hard to talk over a big group of people when everyone is whispering! But I was extra respectful and quiet the entire time. But I was really interested in learning more about this place so I just thought I'd ask about the history that she had kind of skipped over. And that's where it all began.
"Have the Dukes of Marlborough always lived here?" After politely raising my hand.
I clear my throat....
"Um... Liz? Have the Dukes of Marlborough always lived here?"
.....more silence.....
I ask one more time... Her eyes start bugging out as she looks at me. Gives me "the glare".
And then I just gave up. Will I ever know the answer? Probably not. Maybe I'll google it.

After we continued on our tour a bit we saw a picture of the current Duke and Duchess. The Duke of Marlborough, or as I like to call him, Sir Cradle Robber and Duchess Hot Arm Candy Woman. But do you want to know what's better than seeing a picture of them? Running into them by accident. Yup. Saw the Duke. No big deal.

Representing USU!!!! They are too cute for words.

The back of Blenheim. I. Am. In. Love.

We then went to the beautiful gardens, had an amazing time looking around. Then drove to Temple Church that is in Central London near St. Paul's, and went to a beautiful concert. It was a great way to end the day!!!

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