The beginning of my sabbath was QUITE busy! I had to give a lesson in Relief Society AND give a talk in Sacrament. I'm sure the entire Catford Ward was extremely sick of hearing from me. But I think it all went very well; people came up after and thanked me for my thoughts! So that's a good sign! They are such a sweet group of people. I will really miss them when I have to go home.
We headed back home from church and I took an accidental, but much needed, nap. I don't think I've ever slept so soundly before in my entire life!!! We just relaxed for the rest of the day around home, did some homework, ate food. And then my favorite part of the day: I got to talk to my parents!!! And the connection was perfectly clear!!! Usually when I try and talk to them, we just end up giving up. But this time I could hear their voices and everything. Best. Day. Ever. I was grinning for the rest of the day. Everyone thought I was crazy I'm sure!
After classes today, I headed over to the National Gallery! Yeah... so... I basically got to see: Renior, Monet, Manet, Van Gogh, Pissaro, Botticelli, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Seurat, Vermeer, and some Turners. Just to name a few. No big deal. It was AMAZING! Seeing all of these painting that I've only read about in text books was...unreal. Words can't describe. I'm still so shocked!!! And it was free too! I think everyone should go there at least once in their life.
After dinner, I went and bought tickets to see Les Miserables!!! I've been fortunate enough to see this show a couple of times with my family, but never in LONDON!!! It is such a powerful show, the music and the message is seriously life changing. I cried in it. The music will always, always give me chills. I have been so lucky to go to these great shows while I've been here! They have been some of my favorite things!
Little Miss Emilee and I going to the show!!! Gah I love her! |