Today we had class from 9-2, I guess you could say they were three separate lectures. They were all interesting lectures, but I won't lie... Once you start to hit that 2 o'clock mark you get a little tired! I know I'm young and should have energy up the wazoo but boy I was exhausted! So during our last lecture from that guest professor I mentioned earlier, I might had accidentally dozed off! Which I'm actually really bummed about too because he specializes in Theatre! Sad day. Also I'm a little embarrassed because I don't think I'm a very pretty sleeper. So now my roommates are all probably weirded out!
We were all starving after class so some of us ventured out to "Mr. Fish". Now our professor, Frank, (or Papa Frank as I like to call him) recommended it and said for our first fish and chips experience we should go there! So we wandered a bit looking for it because I didn't listen to his directions as well as I should have. I walked into the first pub I saw once it was obvious I had lead the group down the wrong path, and asked them a simple question. Here's how it went down.
"Excuse me... Where's Mr. Fish?"
"I'm surry, whaa?"
"Where's Mr. Fish?"
"Westminster fish??"
"No no no, where is Mr. Fish?"
" I stell don' undahh stand wha it is you arrr trying to ask."
(big sigh) "Where. Is. Mr. Fish??" (said SUPER slowly and ridiculously clear)
Aaannnndd silence.
Someone else in the pub spoke up and told me the directions, but alas, the bartender looked at me as I walked away, oblivious. Moral of the story folks. You may both speak English, but there will always be a language barrier!
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Yummy, greasy FISH AND CHIPS! |
I have to take a quick break and explain the whole dinner situation we've found ourselves in.
The people that take care of the home are the sweetest couple from Brazil. They are so kind and generous. They cook two meals a day for us, which is awesome because who doesn't love free food?? I don't. They are trying to do all of these unique recipes, and give as a multicultural experience while we are here, but if you are from Brazil... sometimes your take on other countries food might be a little... askew. Our dinner consisted of (just try and picture it): half an avocado, fry sauce layered on top of it, baby shrimp sprinkled over that, and then a small hand full of mint leaves tossed over the top. I don't know what country that meal was suppose to be from but, goodness gracious! It was hard to stomach down! But by jove I did it!!! The fry sauce and mint combination was... so... unique I guess you could say.
Okay, I just had to explain that delightful experience.
We ran to Apollo Victoria Theatre, right off the Victoria line. Trying to make it in time to get "Wicked" tickets. But the all of Tube stops near our home were shut down because there had been a major landslide! So we took the bus, which is probably 4x longer than the tube. After realizing we probably had another 40 minutes on the bus because of traffic we got off and headed to the theatre on foot. Luckily, we found a Tube line that was working shortly after and got there much faster! We had perhaps 30 minutes before the show was about to start, and hadn't even tried to get tickets yet! We ran to the ticket booth, asked if there were any left, and by sheer chance a MIRACLE occurred. There had been a small group that had called and informed the theatre they weren't going to make it to the show! So we were able to purchase their tickets for 27 pounds... roughly.... 45 ish dollars! (Which is amazing if you didn't know). Great seats, ALL TOGETHER!
My ticket!!! YAY!!! |
And Que the tears. I love Broadway. I've seen multiple traveling Broadway shows thanks to my parents, but this was neat because London Broadway is LEGENDARY, and I was there! I had chills from the amazing music, and just cried because I truly was sooo happy! There was this moment where I was sitting there, and realized just how blessed I truly am. I'm in London, seeing all of these iconic historical sites, living in an amazing neighborhood, and have the money to go have wonderful "extra" experiences as well. It was a perfect day.
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See that pure joy?? Well that's pure joy folks! |
We got home just in time to do a little bit of light studying, and crawl into bed.
Kaitlyn, Sarah, Emilee, Me, Janie, and Jordan at Wicked! |
London. Is. The. Best.
Hooray for YOU - What a lucky girl Indeed. How fabulous to see WICKED in LONDON!!! We're so happy for you . . . xoxox Mom and Dad